
“The Fox and the Lion Cosplayer” by Jaden Drackus

A first convention is an experience that one kit fox might not be prepared for. But does he need to be scared of new people that share his interests?

Today’s story is “The Fox and the Lion Cosplayer” by Jaden Drackus, whose work has appeared in anthologies like FANG, Heat, and The Infurno. You can find more of his stories on SoFurry and FurAffinity.

Read for you by Khaki, your faithful fireside companion.


You’re listening to The Voice of Dog.


I’m Khaki, your faithful fireside companion,


and today’s story is


“The Fox and the Lion Cosplayer”


by Jaden Drackus, whose work has appeared in anthologies like FANG,


Heat, and The Infurno.


You can find more of his stories


on SoFurry and FurAffinity.

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“The Fox and the Lion Cosplayer”

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by Jaden Drackus

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A convention can be a scary place if you’re a guy like me.

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Especially if you’re small,

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shy, and totally on my own at my first ever con.

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In short, it was trouble—and for a fox, that’s admitting something.

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It didn’t start out that way, of course.

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I’d planned, saved,

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researched, and gotten my friend Chris to agree to come with me.

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But I’d made one mistake

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—I let my friends talk me into to going to DrakeCon, the biggest sci-fi/anime/gaming convention around.

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Things got worse when Chris came down with a nasty cold just days before the con started.

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He was super sorry about it, but he had no intention of being Patient Zero for con crud.

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The whole thing got me down since this was going to be my first ever convention,

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but my friend insisted that I go.

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Insisted to the point he even paid for his half of the hotel room in advance.

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“Have a good time, Jeff,”

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the possum told me.

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“And remember—everyone there has a lot of the same interests.

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Don’t get scared and hide in the room the whole time.

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It’ll be fun and you’ll be alright.”

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He forgot to mention just how many other people that shared interests with me would be there.

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My muzzle hung open the whole time I was in line to get my badge as I stared at the massive crowd.

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Wolves, deer, foxes

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—though I only saw one other kit fox

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—and coyotes dominated.

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Enough of them were in costume that I was feeling underdressed in my

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“Gaymer Fox” t-shirt and jeans and drawstring backsack.

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I wasn’t ready for that number of people,

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and did my best to not panic while making myself as small as possible so I wouldn’t get bumped into.

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Not that it helped

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—being small and quiet was as good as asking for people to accidentally run into me.

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By the time I got my badge and a bag of goodies, I was overwhelmed and ready to bolt back to the room.

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Well, almost ready.

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Away from the massive crowd around registration, I got my courage back a little

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and flipped though the con guidebook from the bag.

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On a Friday, there wasn’t much going on until afternoon and it was only about 10:30 in the morning.

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Maybe I should go and get some breakfast?

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That’s when I saw him.

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I’d never seen a lion in person before.

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He was dressed up as the main character from Fantasy Saga 9,

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in the character’s trademark black pants and jacket with

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gold and white chest plate.

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I didn’t notice it much, to be honest

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—I was just caught off guard by how huge he was.

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I’d never seen anyone as big as him,

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he towered over most of the con goers.

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He glanced in my direction,

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flashing his fangs at me.

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That was all I saw before I darted around the corner

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and down the corridor.

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I finally stopped once I was alone.

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I leaned against the wall and held a paw to my heart to keep it from hammering out of my chest.

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I’d never been so frightened of anyone before in my life.

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But as my heartbeat slowed,

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I felt the heat of embarrassment rise in my ears.

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I’d run away from someone

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dressed as the protagonist of my favorite game.

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But he was so huge and scary.

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I sighed, pulled myself together

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and headed out in search of something to eat.

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It was a big con—maybe I wouldn’t see him again.

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Leaving the dealers den three hours later,

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I learned it was a forlorn hope.

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He was standing against the far wall,

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posing for pictures with a couple of wolves.

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My body went tense as I recognized him and my

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ears and whiskers twitched.

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The urge to bolt filled me,

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but I saw the wolves laughing at something the lion said.

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Everyone’s tails were swishing behind them,

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and smiles covered their muzzles.

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But still that lion was huge!

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I swallowed and my own tail went still.

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But if people were having a good time with him,

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was he really that scary?

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The lion turned my way,

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and the battle inside me ended.

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No way was this fox getting close to a lion that big.

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I rejoined the flow of traffic and scurried away.

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I barely slept that night

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—I just lay on the bed staring at the ceiling,

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my tail thumping the mattress in frustration.

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I kept running my encounters with the lion over and over again in my mind.

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At first I tried to rationalize my behavior

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—I was at my first con,

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I was on my own, I was a kit fox and he was a lion, and on and on it went.

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But as the hours went by, all the reasons felt like excuses.

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I was ashamed of myself.

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At some point I fell asleep,

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resolving to try and face my fears tomorrow.

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The morning put my resolve to the test right away.

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The lion was outside the room as I walked out of the first panel of the day.

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He’d changed his costume, now to the set the hero wore later in the game

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—a deep crimson outfit with gold trim and a gunmetal chest plate.

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It was my favorite armor set in Fantasy Saga 9,

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and I went out of my way to get it on every play through I did of the game

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—even though it required an agonizingly long series of side quests to unlock.

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And the lion looked good in it. While he was standing against the wall and watching the lighter early morning traffic in the corridor.

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From what I’d learned at the “So This Is Your First Convention” panel yesterday,

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he was inviting people to take photos.

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But no one was. His shoulders were slummed a little, and his tail was still.

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He brushed something off his shoulder and

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looked at his outfit, shaking his head.

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I stared for a moment,

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stunned and saddened.

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Why was no one taking pictures with him?

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He’d had plenty of people wanting to yesterday,

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and that armor was awesome.

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He’d put a lot of effort into it.

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I don’t remember making a conscious decision at first.

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By the time my ears went up and my tail was swishing in nervous determination, my paws were already carrying me across the corridor.

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It didn’t matter that he was bigger than me and scared me

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—there was no way I was going to pass up this opportunity.

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I pulled my phone out

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and stopped a few paces away from the lion.

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The nerves returned,

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but the urge to flee was gone.

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“Excuse me!” I called politely,

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my tail slowing as I tried to remember what the panelists from yesterday

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had told us about asking for pictures.

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“I love your costume.

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It’s my favorite one in-game.

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Would it be okay if I got a picture?”

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He turned and looked down at me.

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My ears fell as my worries returned. I fought the urge to take a step

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back. Then his expression changed,

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and a broad smile crossed his tawny muzzle.

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His eyes flashed with

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what looked like recognition.

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“Of course!” He said,

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his tail swishing behind him.

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“Especially for you.”

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“Me?” I asked, puzzled.

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What had I done to merit special attention?

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If he’d even really noticed me, I deserved the opposite.

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“Yeah,” the lion said as he adjusted into the

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Fantasy Saga victory pose.

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“I wanted to ask where you got that cool shirt you were wearing yesterday.”

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This was “The Fox and the Lion Cosplayer”

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by Jaden Drackus,

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read for you by Khaki,

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your faithful fireside companion.

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For more stories you can find us wherever you get your podcasts,

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or on the web at thevoice.dog.

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Thank you for listening

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to The Voice of Dog

About the Podcast

Show artwork for The Voice of Dog
The Voice of Dog
Furry stories to warm the ol' cockles, read by Rob MacWolf and guests. If you have a story that would suit the show, you can get in touch with @VoiceOfDog@meow.social on Mastodon, @voiceofdog.bsky.social on Blue Sky, or @Theodwulf on Telegram.

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