
“Open and Shut Case of Love” by TiberiusRings & Fruitz (part 1 of 2)

Communication is the bedrock in any relationship. A lot of us fear bringing up things that may make our partner uncomfortable, or upset the balance we currently have.  Yet if we do it right we can all grow in ways we never expected.

Today’s story is the first of two parts of “Open and Shut Case of Love” by TiberiusRings & Fruitz, who are co-authors of the series Come to Dust, published by Fruitzberg Press.

Read for you by Rob MacWolf — werewolf hitchhiker.

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Dog.You’re listening to Pride Month on The Voice of Dog.


This is Rob MacWolf, your fellow traveler,


and Today’s story


is the first of two parts of


“Open and Shut Case of Love


by TiberiusRings & Fruitz,


who are co authors of the series Come to Dust,


published by Fruitzberg Press.


The debate about “sexualization” of pride is doubtless by now


wearily familiar


to most if not all of our listeners.


Lest there be any ambiguity, let us establish immediately:


Pride has every right


to be as sexual as it wants to be.


When queer desire,


queer bodies, and queer sexuality


have been deliberately suppressed,


it is an act not only of defiance


but of restorative justice


to flaunt them to every conceivable excess.

That said:

there is no minimum quota.

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While many of us live, and love,

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in deliberately transgressive and extraordinary ways,

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those of us who do not wish to

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have just as much right to be proud of who they are.

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Please enjoy “Open and Shut Case of Love”

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by TiberiusRings & Fruitz,

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Part 1 of 2 “And that’s it for the edits, right?

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Okay, thank you Jake! I’ll have

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it done by next week.

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Have a great weekend!”

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With a cheery goodbye I hung up the phone—and immediately let out a loud sigh.

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“God dammit!!” I shouted into the void before

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taking notes on the corrections that I was told over the phone lest

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I forget. It was mentally taxing to maintain my facade of the jack-of-all-trades Milo,

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a spotted hyena who works in the video game industry as a graphic designer and concept artist,

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and who also happens to be the go-to guy for any quick edits should the higher-ups ever require a last-minute correction.

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And believe you me, that happened way too often for me to keep track of,

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because those corporate decision-makers apparently could not agree on anything but their upcoming bonuses.

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Oftentimes I would mute the call

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and take a long sigh

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to prevent any expletive from leaving my muzzle.

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Sometimes I wondered why I even bothered to step foot in such a stressful environment, but the answer was always clear.

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As a cub I’ve always had my head in the clouds and a pencil in my fingers, so I decided that

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putting my skills to paper

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wasn’t the worst idea.

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My parents saw my talent and nurtured it as I grew up, allowing me to land a job in this industry.

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Not everything was so doom-and-gloom, though.

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With enough experience under my belt, I was allowed to work remotely a few

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days of the week as a

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hybrid worker, so I was using the spare room as my studio office,

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which is where I am this sunny Friday afternoon.

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Standing up from my chair, I put my hands on my waist and stretched, groaning as I heard my back give out a satisfying “pop!”

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My entire body seemed to complain that I was sitting for too long.

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Time for a little exercise! I told myself.

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I headed downstairs in the two-floor apartment that I shared with Julian.

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We had an office and a guest room upstairs with our kitchen, living room and master bedroom

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downstairs. The windows were wide,

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since we were pretty high up in the building, giving us one hell of a view of the city when it wasn’t overcast.

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Turning the corner I passed a wall of what we had made

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all about us. It wasn’t vanity, but we were happy and

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we wanted to remember those times.

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All kinds of things were hanging from well mounted pegs;

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our degrees in shining museum glass, awards Julian had won, awards I had won,

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either framed or sitting on small shelves.

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“Should probably dust here…”

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I said out loud as I walked by the photo gallery

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starring me with my special painted dog.

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The first photo was one that always made me smile.

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It showed Julian and I,

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our arms around one another.

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My signature hyena mohawk was

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painted in a rainbow,

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and Julian colored his fur like a painter’s palette.

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Because he’s a painted dog, haha, get it?

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Yeah, that joke flew over many people’s heads when I told them.

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Both of us were shirtless and wearing just a pair of shorts, with a

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bit of rainbow paint under my eyes and drinks in our hands.

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We stood there smiling at the camera,

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two undergrads who met one another at a Pride event that took place near the campus.

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We were instantly drawn together like two magnets.

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The following photos were an array of moments from our college years, both undergrad and graduate.

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Hanging out, living and vibing, going on hikes, swimming

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(Julian always did look better than I did in a speedo),

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doing fun things that two men in love would do together.

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The kids smiling in those images were so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

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I like to think we haven’t lost that side of us.

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I was smiling as I kept moving.

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Here our photos took on more

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professional tones.

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Articles about me in

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some magazines as an up-and-coming designer,

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a case that Julian had argued and won in court,

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and his promotion to the partner status at his law firm,

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complete with a photo of him at a fancy dinner shaking hands with his boss.

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The photos were less about us together and

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more about us as individuals.

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Our careers didn’t really overlap, so that was to be expected.

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Still, it left a weird feeling in my stomach.

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Arriving at the kitchen, I opened the fridge and poured myself a glass of juice.

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The kitchen was alight with sunlight,

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and I saw my own reflection in the window.

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I wasn’t the pristine, hot hyena boy from college,

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but Julian and I had always

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made sure to take care of ourselves.

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Walks, runs, weights, eating right…it

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was all there.

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Thankfully Julian managed the food

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part of it all, since I didn’t seem to have a head for it.

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But it kept me looking lean and muscled, and him slightly broader in build.

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Not to be self-praising, but we were handsome for two gay men who had just recently entered their third decade circling the sun.

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I heard the door buzz open,

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followed by footsteps on the wooden floor.

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“Babe?” I called out,

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putting the container of juice back in the fridge.

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“It’s me, Spots!” I turned the corner

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and welcomed home my handsome painted dog,

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who was unbuttoning his suit jacket and loosening his tie.

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He was a looker, and I can’t put into words just how handsome I thought he was.

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He slipped up to me and gave me a peck on the lips.

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“Mm…orange juice,” he said

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and kept undressing,

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getting out of his business suit

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slowly as he headed into the bedroom.

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I looked at the clock on the wall.

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“You’re home a little early,”

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I said as I followed Julian into the bedroom.

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“Yeah,” he said while tugging his shirt off,

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followed by the fitted undershirt. “Don’t

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you remember I have that thing going on?”

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“Oh. I forgot…” I tried to process what that was. It had

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been a busy week and we hadn’t talked much about what was going on in our individual lives. “Mmm,” he gave

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me one of those looks.

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One of the signature Julian looks; I knew what it meant. “Milo, you oughta listen more—” “I know, I know,” I sighed and held my hands up in defeat. “So what’s

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going on that you came home early for?”

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Not that an hour early wasn’t exactly a land speed record.

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Julian kicked his pants off, standing there in a pair of his hip, designer burnt-orange briefs.

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They laid low on his belly and

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let the contours of his stomach flow into his waistband.

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Did I tell you he was a looker?

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“Alex is coming over.

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He and I are going to that concert.”

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“Oh…Oh!” It was coming back to me.

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“What, that band I can’t stand?”

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“You’ve always had terrible taste in music,”

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my boyfriend teased me as he

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took out some much more comfortable clothes from the closet.

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I made a face of mock frustration and crossed my arms over my chest.

That said:

“Fine, fine. You and Alex going to come back to the apartment after?”

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“Yeah,” Julian responded as he stepped into the bathroom.

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“We’re gonna need the bedroom, so don’t be asleep, okay?”

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“Okay hun.” “Thanks, love.” —---------------------------------------------------

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Three hours later,

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I was home alone on a Friday night,

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sitting on my sofa with my tablet in my hands.

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I flicked through news sites and social media while the TV played some

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random YouTube video that I was not even paying attention to.

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I messaged a few of the people locally but

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everyone had plans.

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I had no one to really blame but myself for that one—I had been working so hard on my current project that I became a recluse.

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I knew I could have butted in and joined something, but I didn’t want to impose.

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I’d gotten used to being a homebody as I got older.

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In college I was more outgoing,

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but when I got close with Julian and focused on my career,

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I started realizing that I liked just being home

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a lot. Julian kept me somewhat social,

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but for the last couple of years there hadn’t been much effort in that area

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—mostly because I always had an excuse to stay home.

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Julian’s job also forced him to be social.

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An attorney was always front and center,

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and he had to sell himself as much as know what the hell he was doing.

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He had to travel a lot sometimes and I couldn’t go with him with my own career

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—so he had friends all over the country and even in Europe and Asia.

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He was always the charismatic one out of us.

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The door opened up

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and in came Julian with Alex draped over his shoulder.

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The panther was drunk, or just hamming it up.

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Alex’s hobby had always been acting, and he did a lot of local theater while also working on his music.

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Alex could make you believe anything

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if he wanted to.

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But he was never a bad person

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with that skill. Alex’s hand was around Julian’s waist,

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sliding up under his shirt as he purred

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and kissed my boyfriend on the side of the muzzle.

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I looked away. Not because I was ashamed,

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but because I liked to give them privacy.

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We respected the boundaries of an open relationship.

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“Hey hun,” Julian said as he came up behind the sofa and wrapped his arms around me.

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He smelled of alcohol and weed.

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He nuzzled into the back of my head, then gave

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my round ear a gentle nip and patted my mohawk.

That said:

“Did you have a nice night?”

That said:

“Yeah,” I said, hand coming up to rub along Julian’s forearm.

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“You?” “Oh yeah,” Alex said from the other side of the living room as he took his jacket off.

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Alex was one of those guys who didn’t need to work at keeping a good body. He could eat a whole cake and not worry about the calories going to his thighs.

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I don’t think he even seriously lifted weights,

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and yet he was handsome as all get-out.

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“Show was awesome!” “Alex took me to this new bar downtown.

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We did some dancing

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but wanted to come home to…”

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I saw Alex gyrate his hips out of my peripheral.

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He wasn’t a dick about it, but when he was drunk like this, he could be a little grating.

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I paid him no mind though as I turned and looked up at Julian.

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“I know. You told me beforehand.”

That said:

“Yeah, I just…I don’t want you to feel lonely.”

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“I won’t,” I lied. Why was I lying?

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Why didn’t I tell him that I missed him?

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That I wanted him to be with me?

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But that depressive thought lanced

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down into my core, triggering a sense of guilt. I couldn’t ruin their good time,

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their fun, and it would make everything awkward.

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We wouldn’t have sex and probably spend the night talking and then going to bed,

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both of us feeling a little weird and unsatisfied. No,

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the thing I needed to do was just keep my muzzle shut and let them have their fun.

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I forced a smile and wore it like a mask.

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“I have this report I’m working on anyway.

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I want to get a handle on it by Monday.

That said:

Alex isn’t gonna stay the night?”

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“No,” Julian said with a smile.

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“He hogs the covers,

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so you can come to bed when you’re ready.”

That said:

“Of course.” “Love you, Milo.”

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“Love you too, Jewels.”

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And off they went.

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Down the hall and into my bedroom.

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The door closed, leaving me outside in my lonesome.

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You might be wondering why I didn’t just go

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join them. I’m sure the offer was there,

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but Alex and I didn’t really gel well together

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like that. He was a bit too brash for me, and Julian had said he could be a bit of a

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selfish lover, especially when he drank.

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Not that he wasn’t a good

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lay, but I just didn’t see him in that light.

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We were friends, absolutely,

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but not friends with benefits.

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I know I’d just focus on Julian

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and Alex would feel awkward.

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So I focused on work

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and put on some music in case they got loud enough that I could hear them.

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I pushed the negative thoughts aside

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and focused on the work.

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Always focus on the work,

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I told myself. Your career is important.

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Sacrifices have to be made. ————————————

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I don’t know when it happened, but I fell asleep on the sofa.

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I was slumped over and

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lying on my side,

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my hands still gripping the tablet, when I felt a hand

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come down and touch my shoulder,

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waking me up with a startle.

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“Woah!” Julian said and held his hands up.

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“Bad dream?” “No…just…deep

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asleep, I think.”

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I sat up and rubbed my neck,

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wincing at the ache there from sleeping so funny.

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I looked around the room and saw the automatic lights had turned off.

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“Alex headed home?”

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“About an hour ago.

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I’m surprised you didn’t wake up when the front door closed.”

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I yawned and stood up from the sofa,

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putting the tablet down on the coffee table.

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I turned and looked at Julian.

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He was naked save for a black jockstrap edged in gold.

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It matched his fur so beautifully.

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I felt my own heartbeat rush and

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wanted him…but he was fresh out of the shower;

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I could smell the wetness still clinging to his fur and the soaps he used to maintain it.

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I didn’t want to make him waste more time,

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so I pushed down those feelings and smiled at him.

That said:

“C’mon, Spots, let’s go to bed.

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I changed the sheets and everything, so it’s good to go.”

That said:

“Thanks,” I answered

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and followed him into the bedroom.

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I was stripping my own clothes off, tossing the shirt into the hamper

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and jumping up and down to get my jeans off.

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I scratched my stomach a little while I yawned and

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watched Julian walk to his side of the bed,

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pulling the covers back.

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I slid into his side of the bed and I followed,

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just wearing my briefs.

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Julian leaned in and kissed me on the muzzle,

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smiling brightly as he nuzzled into my neck

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and then rolled over so his back was to me. We usually slept back to back…not because we were

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disgusted with one another but

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because we just found it comfortable.

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I thought about touching him,

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caressing him…but I stopped myself even if I felt myself stiffen.

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He’d already had his fun.

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With an internal sigh I rolled over and tucked my arm under a pillow,

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closing my eyes and trying to sleep while ignoring myself

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poking into the bed.

That said:

This was the first of two parts of

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“Open and Shut Case of Love”

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by TiberiusRings & Fruitz,

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read for you by Rob MacWolf, werewolf hitchhiker.

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Tune in next time to find out how Milo confronts his fears

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or if he decides to keep on the path he’s walking.

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As always, you can find more stories on the web at thevoice.dog,

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or find the show wherever you get

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your podcasts. Happy Pride,

That said:

and Thank you for listening to The Voice of Dog.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for The Voice of Dog
The Voice of Dog
Furry stories to warm the ol' cockles, read by Rob MacWolf and guests. If you have a story that would suit the show, you can get in touch with @VoiceOfDog@meow.social on Mastodon, @voiceofdog.bsky.social on Blue Sky, or @Theodwulf on Telegram.

About your host

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