
“A Number’s Game” by Kergiby [18+]

[18+] Don’t ask questions if you can’t handle the graphic details of a relationship. 

Today's story is “A Number’s Game” by Kergiby, who’s a part-time writer, and full-time panther. He’s been writing furry work and explaining the difference between cheetahs and leopards since 2010. You can find more of his stories on https://kergiby.sofurry.com. 

Read for you by Khaki, your faithful fireside companion.


Today I'm reading an adult story for mature listeners.


If that's not your cup of tea,


or if there are youngsters listening,


you can skip this one and


I'll have a new story for you next time.


You’re listening to The Voice of Dog.


I’m Khaki, your faithful fireside companion,


and today’s story is


“A Number’s Game” by Kergiby,


who’s a part-time writer, and full-time panther.


He’s been writing furry work and explaining the difference between cheetahs and leopards since 2010.


You can find more of his stories

on https:


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“A Number’s Game”

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by Kergiby Annie’s short blue dress swayed when she walked into the café.

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She looked around the small café she spent most Saturday mornings with her friend. Her tail

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gave a wag, making it sway with her

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and showing off more of her tanned legs.

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The border collie brushed hair away from her face.

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Her eyes scanned over the café until she saw the group of her friends sitting in a different booth than their normal.

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She frowned for a moment but went over to the table, setting her purse down on the booth next to her.

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“Hey!” Jaime said. The small cat grinned,

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leaned against her wife, Leah.

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Leah’s hand was on Jamie’s hand, the two of them curled up on their side of the booth.

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Next to Annie was Genevieve.

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Gen was a shy raccoon with long curly hair that cascaded down her head and over her shoulders.

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She sat on the other side of Leah, careful not to get wagged from the affectionate wagging of the retriever’s tail.

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“How are you? How’s the new place?”

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Leah smiled. “It’s good.

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I didn’t know what I expected when I moved in with Jonathan but it’s really been good so far,”

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Annie grinned. She smiled a little sheepishly.

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Her eyes looking down for a moment,

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feeling her cheeks flush up.

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“Good,” Gen smiled. She took a sip of her coffee and set it back down. “I heard the building you moved into didn’t have an elevator. How’d you

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manage?” “Patience, difficulty, and Jonathan’s friends. They helped get our stuff up to the third floor.”

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Annie giggled, accepting the coffee from the waitress and pouring the milk into it. “Oof.

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Lucky you had them then, huh?”

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Gen smiled a little.

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She leaned into the table, taking a bite of her muffin.

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“So how’s living together?”

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Annie’s hand went to her collar for a moment.

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It was loose enough that it could appear to be a necklace of sorts with a dangling tag on it that had an LED display.

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She played with the tag, trying to obscure it from her friends.

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“It’s been really great, honestly.

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He’s been really good at cleaning everything and we’ve talked a lot about sharing spaces already.

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And it took a bit of convincing, but he let me rearrange some of the stuff in the kitchen so I could actually reach stuff I needed.”

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Jaime opened her mouth to say something

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then paused and glanced at Leah.

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“That’s good. I know that communicating like that isn’t always easy.

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But I’m really happy it’s being going to well for you,”

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she smiled. Leah nodded her head.

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“It’s not something you’ll ever completely fix.

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We still fight but keep at it and you’ll be fine, Annie.”

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Gen was staring at Annie.

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Her eyes narrowed in, staring hard at the loose tag from her collar.

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She cocked her head a little bit and pointed at it.

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“What’s the number at now?”

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“O-oh,” Annie blushed, cheeks burning hot. “Um, 358…” Leah stared at her friend and glanced over to the other women. “I’m sorry. 358?

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Like… Three Hundred Fifty-Eight?”

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Annie’s cheeks burned,

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ears falling somewhat at the response.

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“Bullshit!” Gen said.

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“I mean, that thing has to be broken, right?”

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“N-no, it’s um… It’s correct.”

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“When I saw you a couple days ago it was 330!

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Are you seriously telling me you had over two dozen—“ “Jaime!”

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Leah hissed. “Quietly.”

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Jaime frowned and continued,

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much quieter. “You had over two dozen orgasms in two days?”

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Annie looked straight into Jaime’s eyes and cleared her throat.

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“I had over twenty-eight orgasms in two days.”

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“What the fuck?” Gen said.

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The trio looked at the

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normally quiet raccoon girl.

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Their eyes large in surprise.

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“Yeah, I gotta call bullshit on that. There’s no way you had that many.”

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“I mean… I lost track a little bit but it was definitely… in that ballpark, yeah,”

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Annie was glancing around, trying to make sure no one was really overhearing their conversation,

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her cheeks burning at the mere idea of talking about this in public!

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“What did Jonathan do to you?”

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Jaime said, staring at her friend somewhere between horror and admiration.

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“You don’t want to know,”

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Annie said, shaking her head.

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“No,” Leah said. “You set up a story, you gotta tell it now.” Though

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the collie frowned at their insistence,

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she cleared her throat

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and leaned forward.

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Her eyes clouded by her bangs.

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“So, it’s basically all his job’s fault.

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He was dealing with some real nonsense at work.

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He was coming home stressed all the time.

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His body was always tense, mind elsewhere. I was so sad by it and I just wanted my boyfriend back because he was such a mess.

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“So when we were curled up at night, I was rubbing his back and trying to massage him a little, just to

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help him feel better.

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I told him that I wanted to help him feel better more often.

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I just hated seeing him this way.

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So he started talking to me about something that

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he was wanting to ask for a few months now.

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“Because apparently,

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the kinky wolf told me that what really, really wanted to do was

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to grab me the moment he got home and take me.

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And I agreed that he could do precisely that.”

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The finality of her sentence rang through the group.

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Leah frowned at her. “That’s it?”

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“That’s basically it.”

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“So he just comes home and, what,

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fucks you until you cum twenty-eight times in a row? Come on!

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Tell the rest of the story!”

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Annie sighed and tucked hair behind her ear.

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She didn’t see what the big fuss was.

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What’s the big deal in her number jumping up like that?

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“So I’m sitting there at the stove, just getting dinner ready. It’s this big, delicious pot of meat and noodles and veggies and stuff and—“ “Stop stalling!”

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Gen said. Her ears wilted at the attention directed back at her.

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“Anyway, he comes home and I’m asking him how his day is and everything. I turn around

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and I just see him standing there with his cock out looking at me.

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He just looked at me so hard and

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direct that I just sort of…

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knelt down. “I didn’t say anything.

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I just knelt down and took his cock in my mouth.

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I sucked him nice and slow, staring up at him,

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his tail wagging after a bit.

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He was so happy and he kept brushing my cheek and telling me how much he loved me and what a good girl I was.

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I mean… I’m still a dog so those words have an effect on me.

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I like pleasing an alpha, y’know?

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But after a little bit he just held me all the way down.

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And something about it,

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the force combined with the care and the way he smelled was just

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too much. That was number one.”

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“Hands free?” Leah asked.

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“Yup,” Annie said.

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Her cheeks were flushed but she had resolved herself to tell the story truthfully, no matter how embarrassing it may be.

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“So then what?” Gen said,

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leaning forward. The raccoon’s cheeks were burning hot but she smiled at her friend, wanting to hear more.

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“Well, he pulled me up,

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kissed me softly and went to get changed.

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I was so confused.

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I went back to finishing dinner and had to clean up a bit.

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He pulled me into his lap when we were getting ready to eat.

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He just held me, kissing over my back and neck.

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We were eating all curled up like that.

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It was really sweet and intimate.

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But then the bastard started to finger me.

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He was in my panties and running two fingers over my clit so slow I thought I was going to go crazy.

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But he kept it going while he ate, like it was perfectly natural.

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“So, after a little bit of that,

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I came again, and made a mess of his fingers.

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I was still gasping for breath when he made me clean his fingers off!

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“We finished up with dinner and he put the dishes in the sink, saying he’d do it later.

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I got up to wash up and he pinned me to the wall.

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I didn’t know what was happening until my panties were down and his cock was forced inside me.

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I was gasping for him and he slowly fucked me into the wall,

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holding my hands back.

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I came on him twice before he came.”

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“That’s four. So did it just…

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keep going?” Jaime said.

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“Yup. I just sort of…

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got fucked by him all night.

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He held me down to the bed after that and had my hands over my head.

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It was so strong and powerful and his fucking staying power was… something else.

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I lost track of it but after his knot was down an hour later, the number was all the way up to 340.”

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“So he got you to cum ten times in a few hours?”

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Her cheeks were flushed,

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but the collie just nodded her head in affirmation.

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“He knows how to get me off very well.

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So… it’s not that hard.”

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Leah leaned in and smiled.

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“Well, that’s up to 340,

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but what about the rest?”

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“So the next morning,

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I woke up to him rubbing me hard.

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It wasn’t, like, rude or anything. But more like…

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he had to work soon and knew he had to get to it in a limited time.

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So he rubbed hard and I was putty in his hands.

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He held my clit with his thumb and dragged his cock over my lips the whole time.

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He was so mean about it because it just turned me on so much

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but he wasn’t letting me off!

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So I just had to endure him teasing me.

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He got me so worked up that by the time I was done the moment he slid in.

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“But he didn’t let me off that easily.

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He just fucked me into the bed, growling in my ear. It was so

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primal and commanding and he just

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held me like I was some…

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some… prey of his. And,

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God, I came so hard when he pulled out and came on me. It was…

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I could smell him and I felt so claimed and …”

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She shivered for a moment.

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“He kissed me deeply and put his hands on my cheeks afterwards,

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just holding me there and telling me how much he loved me.

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After I was done with work,

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I came home and he’d had this nice meal going.

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He was able to get out a little early and just had this big, romantic thing going on.

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I didn’t even get the chance to change out from my clothes.

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It was just ready for me.

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So afterwards, he’s telling me about his day and everything at work.

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I’m putting some stuff in the dishwasher and I just

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feel his hands run up my skirt.

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He’s pulling my panties down and the next thing I know, I feel a cold tongue against my ass and the

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pervert is eating me out.

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My legs are shaking and I’m squirming because his tongue is…

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talented to say the least.

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“So he just goes to town, and works my poor pussy over. I’m just

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standing there, wagging my tail and whining for him.

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But he doesn’t seem to care about anything else.

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He’s just lapping me up

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until I’m making a mess of his face and it’s running down my thighs.

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But he pulled away and told me to finish up there and then

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get in the bedroom.

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“I walked in and saw him on the bed,

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his cock standing upright.

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He held me in his arms, kissing me when I climbed on top.

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He was holding me so close and being so tender.

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It’s funny how much he can vary in his demeanor during sex.

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Because he really does love it both ways.

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So I’m just riding him and shivering.

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I love being desired like that.

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His mouth was sucking on my breast and his teeth were tugging on my tits.

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I was cumming so many time I lost count. He just

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smiled up at me and told me I was the most beautiful woman in the world.

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“The cornball is… he’s so sweet sometimes and I don’t really think it’s true but

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he looked at me and I could tell he meant it.”

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She smiled and her cheeks flushed up a little bit.

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She bit her lip and gave a light shiver.

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“I just really love the stud.”

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“So I spent the rest of the time cumming on his cock and kissing him.

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Afterwards, he took me to the shower and we just got cleaned up.

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He wrapped arms around me when we were drying off

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and we went to watch TV together.”

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The girls smiled at their friend.

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Their eyes went a little wide,

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looking at her necklace.

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Annie glanced down to see her necklace.

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The digital display showed 359. Annie’s

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ears dropped down,

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her cheeks burning hot.

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She bit her lip and shrugged.

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“Sorry, I got a little carried away, I guess.”

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Leah just laughed and shook her head. “Oh hey,

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boytoy incoming.”

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Annie glanced behind her and grinned when Jonathan’s arms wrapped around her.

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He slid into the seat beside her and smiled at the group of girls.

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“So,” he beamed. “What were you talking about?”

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This was “A Number’s Game” by Kergiby,

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read for you by Khaki,

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your faithful fireside companion.

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Thank you for listening to The Voice of Dog

About the Podcast

Show artwork for The Voice of Dog
The Voice of Dog
Furry stories to warm the ol' cockles, read by Rob MacWolf and guests. If you have a story that would suit the show, you can get in touch with @VoiceOfDog@meow.social on Mastodon, @voiceofdog.bsky.social on Blue Sky, or @Theodwulf on Telegram.

About your host

Profile picture for Khaki
